Weight loss



Weight loss is the process of losing weight. The goal of weight loss is to achieve a healthy body mass index (BMI), which is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered normal; a BMI below 18.5 indicates underweight, while a BMI above 25 indicates overweight or obese.[1]
Achieving and maintaining an appropriate weight can help prevent or treat many diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol levels.[2] In addition to improving overall health outcomes for those who are overweight or obese it has been shown that losing just 5% of initial body weight through dieting can reduce the risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome[3].

Diet and Nutrition

  • How to create a healthy diet plan
  • Nutrition basics
  • Importance of hydration


Exercise is a key component of any weight loss program, and it's important that you choose an exercise routine that you enjoy. The more you enjoy your workouts, the more likely you are to stick with them!
For example: if running on a treadmill isn't your thing, try swimming instead--or even dancing! You can also incorporate some strength training into your routine (which will help build muscle mass). And remember: rest days are just as important as workout days!

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes are the most important part of any weight loss plan. If you're not sleeping enough, or if your stress levels are high, these things can make it much harder for your body to shed pounds. Sleep deprivation has been shown to increase hunger and cravings for unhealthy foods while reducing metabolism and increasing fat storage in the body. Stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation or deep breathing exercises can help alleviate this problem by lowering cortisol levels (the hormone that causes stress).
To get started with lifestyle changes:

  • Get at least seven hours of sleep each night!
  • Practice mindfulness throughout the day--take time each morning before breakfast to sit quietly with yourself and reflect on what's going well in your life right now; take time after dinner before bedtime so that when you go into dreamland there's nothing left on your mind but peaceful thoughts

Weight Loss Supplements

There are many types of weight loss supplements, and you should be careful when choosing one. Some supplements can have side effects or be dangerous if not taken properly.

  • Weight Loss Supplements: There are many different types of weight loss supplements, but they all work in slightly different ways. Some will help suppress your appetite while others speed up your metabolism and make it easier for you to burn fat.
  • How To Choose The Right Supplement: When choosing a supplement, it's important that you do some research first so that you know exactly what ingredients are in each product before buying it!
  • Potential Side Effects: While most people experience no adverse reactions when taking dietary supplements like these ones mentioned above (except perhaps mild nausea), there may still be some side effects associated with certain ingredients depending on what type of health condition(s) exist within an individual body system(s).

Weight Loss Goals

Weight loss goals are a great way to keep yourself motivated and on track. It's important that you set realistic weight loss goals, so that you don't get discouraged when things don't go as planned. You should also track your progress by taking measurements or weighing yourself regularly, which will allow for adjustments in diet and exercise plans if necessary.
Setting short-term and long-term goals is an essential part of any weight loss plan because it keeps you focused on what needs to be done now (and in the future). If possible, try setting weekly mini-goals as well as yearly ones so that there are smaller achievements within each time period that can help keep up motivation levels throughout the entire process.

Weight Loss Plateaus

Weight loss plateaus are the bane of many a dieter's existence. It can be frustrating to lose weight for several weeks, only to hit a wall and see your progress come to a screeching halt. However, there are ways to break through these plateaus and keep losing weight!
If you've been diligent about following your diet plan but still haven't seen any results for several weeks in a row, then it's time for some troubleshooting. First off: don't panic! There are many reasons why this might happen--maybe your body has adjusted itself so it needs fewer calories than before; maybe something else is going on with your health or lifestyle that isn't related directly but indirectly affects how much food (and therefore calories) you need each day; or maybe there was just one bad week where everything went wrong with no explanation whatsoever (which happens).
There are also steps that can help avoid plateaus altogether by keeping things fresh and interesting enough so that they don't become boring routines over time--but if that doesn't work out either way then here are some tips on how best deal with them when they do occur:

Common Weight Loss Mistakes

  • Skipping meals. Skipping meals can lead to a drop in blood sugar, which can make you feel lightheaded, dizzy and weak. It also makes it harder for your body to use the calories from food that you do eat.
  • Crash dieting. Crash dieting is when someone drastically reduces their calorie intake for an extended period of time (usually more than two weeks). This can result in weight loss at first but most often results in rebound weight gain once normal eating habits resume because of the lack of nutrients needed for good health and even muscle maintenance--not just fat loss!
  • Not drinking enough water: Drinking plenty of plain water throughout the day helps keep hunger pangs away by keeping you hydrated; plus it helps flush out toxins through urination so they don't sit around inside causing bloating or water retention!

Weight Loss Motivation

  • Create an accountability system. If you're like most people, you have a hard time staying motivated on your own. That's why it's important to create some sort of accountability system that will help keep you on track and make sure that the weight loss process doesn't get derailed by life's many distractions. One way of doing this is by joining a group or class where others are also trying to lose weight, so that they can cheer each other on when things get tough (and vice versa). Another option is joining an online forum where people share their experiences with losing weight and offer support for one another as they go through the process together--there are tons of communities out there dedicated specifically toward helping people lose weight!
  • Reward yourself for reaching milestones along the way: Don't forget about rewarding yourself along the way; this helps reinforce good behavior and keeps us motivated! For example, if I'm working out regularly then I might treat myself with new workout clothes or shoes (or both). Or maybe if I eat well all week long then allow myself something special like ice cream after dinner one night...you get my point :)
